How To Earn Money Without A Website

There are some essential tools you will need, but a website neednt be one of them.

Ok, a website is useful, even more so if you sell your own products. But if you are an affiliate salesperson, you dont need your own site.

For affiliate marketing, there is in truth only one tool you need and that is an autoresponder. You need a great autoresponder that will allow you broadcast messages to the contact list that you will build. I have found that the free autoresponder programs will not let you do this, so you need to invest about $15 per month in a good autoresponder. Believe me this will be one of the best investments you ever make in your online business. And, since autoresponder programs are affiliate programs themselves, you can promote your autoresponder program and sooner or later have it pay for itself.

This is a straightforward marketing system that will promote youraffiliate program without your own website:

1. The marketing system is to establish yourself as an expert on the products you are promoting. You wil do this by creating content: first, by posting in related content forums and submitting articles to article directories, secondly, by starting your own ezine or newsletter, and thirdly, by personally contacting ezine owners and offering your article for publication in their ezine. For a free list of article directories I submit to, send a blank email to

2. You MUST promote your affiliate product or program in the resource box at the end of your article. Write a brief description of who you are, what you do, and how readers can learn more. For more detail, see my resource box at the end of this article.

3. The secret to promoting your affiliate product is to promote it via your autoresponder. Since you have written an article about what you are selling, you will have the prospect looking for more information. If you wrote an article on dog training, write something like, For more free tips on training your dog, send a blank email to

4. In your autoresponder, write a series of short emails with a few tips in each email and most importantly a sentence that refers your readers to your sales product or affiliate program.

5. So, Not only have you been promoted your product for a veryvery low cost, the cost of your autoresponder, but you have been collecting names that you can offer more related products to again and again. The names also become your list for your newsletter and joint marketing ventures with other marketers.

6. Try to write a brand new article every week or at least every 2 weeks, and continue sending it to your list and article directories, and continue posting in forums. In no time you will have a nice list built. And this is all without your own website!

You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter on your website as long as the byline is included and the article is includedin it’s entirety. I also ask that you activate any html links foundin the article and in the byline. Please send a courtesy link oremail where you publish to:

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