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Hair Transplant Working Process By Special Doctor In AK Clinic
How Does a Hair Transplant Work?
You re starting to get a thin hair on top. Combing your hair in a certain way, no longer hides the bald spot. Understanding the nature of the problem sheds some light on the mystery of balding, although the mechanics still baffle scientists. In male pattern baldness, hair recedes or sheds at an excessive rate, much faster than the average person\’s hair loss cycle. This process appears to be genetic. Hair Transplant can be the best treatment for this hair loss. It can restore your confidence, make you look years younger and give you a new outlook on life.
A hair transplant is done by taking healthy hair follicles from the back or side of the patients head and transplanting it to the thin or balding spots on top of his head. Transplanted hair, no matter what part of the head it is placed is genetically resistant to baldness. After hair transplantation, you can get your own natural hair growing back on the scalp permanently.
Hair loss, which leads to baldness, occurs when the hair on the top of the male head is sensitive to the substance DHT, which is a by products of the male hormone. The hair on the back of the male\’s head is not sensitive to this substance, therefore after the hair restoration the hair that has been replaced from the neck to the top of the head won\’t fall. In the procedure permanent hair from the back and sides of the head is removed and transplanted in the bald part.
FUE or follicular unit extraction is the latest method of transplanting hair. Perfectly done follicular unit hair transplantation will look very natural. The grafts that are being transplanted using the newer FUE or follicular unit extraction method are 4-4.5 millimeter so the scars won\’t be seen after the removal. The hair restoration procedure takes about one to eight hours and requires only a local anesthesia. A single visit will produce good results. Follow up visits will only be necessary if you want to make your hair even thicker. You will have some minor discomfort for a few days as the incisions heal up and scab over. Your head may look a bit red around the areas where the incisions were made. There is a small amount of scarring that will occur at the donor site where the original hair has been removed. This scabbing will disappear in one or two weeks.
It can take three to five months before newly Hair Loss Treatment follicles become well established. At first hair will be a very fine strain, but, eventually it will grow thicker and more full. It\’s considered normal to have the first crop of hair fall out, which then lengthens the amount of time until any noticeable growth can be visible. After about a year, the transplanted hair will be fully mature and will continue to grow for the rest of your life.
It is very important to get a skilled hair restoration surgeon. Many surgeons are not equipped or trained in this advanced method, so you will have to shop around and ask questions. You can t grow another head, so make sure you give the one you have the best care possible.
You re starting to get a thin hair on top. Combing your hair in a certain way, no longer hides the bald spot. Understanding the nature of the problem sheds some light on the mystery of balding, although the mechanics still baffle scientists. In male pattern baldness, hair recedes or sheds at an excessive rate, much faster than the average person\’s hair loss cycle. This process appears to be genetic.
Hair Transplant
can be the best treatment for this hair.
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